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Pembangunan Saluran Phb Jl Raya Tengah Capai 95 Persen
photo Nurito -

Connecting Channel Construction on Jl. Raya Tengah will Be Finished This Week

Connecting channel construction which located on Jl. Raya Tengah, Tengah Urban Village, Kramat Jati, East Jakarta is targeted to finish within this week.

We are targeting to finish it this week

East Jakarta Water Resources (SDA) Sub-agency's Development and Drainage Improvement Section Head, Tengku Saugi Zikri mentioned, construction progress of this 433-meter channel has reached 95 percent or entering the finishing stage.

"We are targeting to finish it this week," he conveyed, Saturday (12/5).

Connecting Channel Construction on Jalan Mayjen Soetoyo Completed

In order to make this channel stronger and tidier, he installed it with concrete slab and U-ditch concrete with size 60x60 centimeters.

"Hopefully this channel can be functioned optimally thus it can prevent inundation and flooding in the area," he stated.

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